The phrase "sugar lactose" refers to a type of sugar that is found in milk and some dairy products. It is a natural sugar that provides energy to our bodies when we consume these foods. Full definition
Dairy foods naturally contain sugars; the milk sugar lactose to be more specific.
For example, fruits contain fructose and milk contains the natural sugar lactose.
Milk contains carbohydrate (in the form of the milk sugar lactose) as well as the previously mentioned high quality protein.
Is a critical enzyme in breaking down the complex sugar lactose into glucose and galactose.
The relation between dairy products and ovarian cancer may be caused by the breakdown of the milk sugar lactose into galactose, a sugar which may be toxic to ovarian cells.
For example, congenital lactase deficiency, in which babies can't digest the milk sugar lactose when they are born, is thought to be extremely rare.
Lactaid milk has the milk sugar lactose already broken down so it is easier to digest.
It forms the building block for the important sugar Lactose which is found in milk.
Additionally, if you're insulin resistant, you would likely be better off avoiding raw and pasteurized milk, as it contains the dairy sugar lactose, which can worsen insulin / leptin resistance.
For example, the widespread but not universal ability to digest the milk sugar lactose in adulthood (lactose tolerance) has recently been shown to arise from any of several different mutations in and near the lactase gene.
It gets it sweetness from the milk sugar lactose, and it's creamy due to the amount of fat it contains.
Congenital lactase deficiency: an extremely rare inherited disorder in which a baby is born with very little or none of the enzyme that breaks down the sugar lactose found in milk, causing life - threatening lactose intolerance symptoms
Primary lactase deficiency — a rare condition in which is born without the enzyme to digest the sugar lactose
Galactose is a part of the milk sugar lactose, and lactose is the main sugar in breast milk.
In supermarkets, there are products with varying reduced content of the sugar lactose that help children with lactose intolerance to be able to have milk in their diet.
People who don't produce enough of the enzyme lactase can not properly digest the sugar lactose that is found in milk and dairy products.
Breast milk contains the milk sugar lactose.
«For infant and follow - on formulae, the milk sugar lactose is the major carbohydrate in both breast milk and formulae.
More than 65 per cent of adults worldwide are lactose intolerant and can not process the milk sugar lactose.
The study may also help geneticists solve the mystery of where and when people evolved the ability to digest the milk sugar lactose.
Waste whey from Greek yogurt production is made up mostly of the familiar milk sugar lactose, the fruit sugar building block fructose, and the fermentation product lactic acid.
In the West, people take milk drinking for granted because most people of European descent are able to produce the enzyme lactase in adulthood and so digest the milk sugar lactose.
Milk is the staple food for infants and contains the sugar lactose.
Practically all babies produce lactase, the enzyme that digests the milk sugar lactose.
In the West we take milk drinking for granted because most people of European decent are able to produce the enzyme lactase in adulthood and so digest the milk sugar lactose.
Some experts tout milk to get your daily dose of calcium and vitamin D, yet studies show among its problems, dairy can raise insulin levels (due to being high in the sugar lactose) and create acne.
As milk contains carbohydrates in the form of the sugar lactose, it may raise your blood glucose levels after you drink it.
Your body isn't able to break down the sugar lactose.
A major component of milk is the sugar lactose, which poses a potential problem for many consumers.
In one study, Lactococcuslactis was found to break down the sugars lactose, galactose and glucose.
Dairy products are a leading cause of excessive flatulence, due to poor digestion of the milk sugar lactose, though even people who are lactose tolerant may suffer from dairy.
Lactose intolerance is the inability to digest the milk sugar lactose, causing gastrointestinal symptoms of flatulence, bloating, cramps, and diarrhea in some individuals.
It has sugar lactose.
Lactose intolerance is a gastrointestinal problem related to the sugar lactose, while allergies are an immune system response to one of two milk proteins, casein or whey.
Milk contains the sugar lactose, which provides plenty of calories to support rapid growth; but once weaned, cats have no physiological need for carbohydrates.
Phrases with «sugar lactose»
- milk sugar lactose
- (see all phrases)
See also
- Definition of SUGAR LACTOSE