Master the Art of Gliding in Fortnite After Landing with These Expert Tips - IVGHOF (2024)

Looking to enhance your Fortnite gameplay with the skill of gliding after landing?

We will explore the ins and outs of gliding in Fortnite, including its purpose, how to execute it effectively, the benefits it offers, the risks involved, and tips on how to practice and improve.

Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced player, mastering the art of gliding can give you a strategic edge in the game. Let’s dive in!


  • Key Takeaways:
  • What is Gliding in Fortnite?
    • What is the Purpose of Gliding?
  • How to Glide in Fortnite After Landing?
    • Step 1: Find a High Point to Jump From
    • Step 2: Open Your Glider
    • Step 3: Control Your Glider
    • Step 4: Land Safely
  • What are the Benefits of Gliding After Landing?
    • Faster Movement Across the Map
    • Avoid Taking Fall Damage
    • Surprise Enemies with Aerial Attacks
  • What are the Risks of Gliding After Landing?
    • Vulnerability to Enemy Attacks
    • Limited Glider Durability
  • How to Practice Gliding in Fortnite?
    • Use Creative Mode
    • Play in High-Intensity Areas
    • Watch Tutorials and Tips from Experienced Players
  • Frequently Asked Questions
    • How to Glide in Fortnite After Landing?
    • How to Glide in Fortnite After Landing?
    • How to Glide in Fortnite After Landing?
    • How to Glide in Fortnite After Landing?
    • How to Glide in Fortnite After Landing?
    • How to Glide in Fortnite After Landing?

Key Takeaways:

  • Gliding after landing in Fortnite allows for faster movement, avoiding fall damage, and surprising enemies with aerial attacks.
  • To glide after landing, find a high point to jump from, open your glider, control it, and land safely.
  • To practice gliding, use creative mode, play in high-intensity areas, and watch tutorials from experienced players.
  • What is Gliding in Fortnite?

    In Fortnite, gliding means descending after launching from a Battle Bus or Jump Pad mid-air before landing. In the basic sense, the character is skydiving but the player can control the descent before landing with a special glider. You can think of it as a more colorful version of parachuting used in a lot of battle royale games.

    What is the Purpose of Gliding?

    The purpose of gliding in Fortnite after landing is to travel farther, reach objectives sooner, and collect better loot with a mode of movement that cannot be heard by enemies. It allows you to go further from the drop from where you start your journey, and if you do it properly, it may even assist you in locating better loot. Gliding cannot get you to the ground faster, but it covers more distance, particularly if the drop point was far from where you intend to move to.

    Within the context of the game, this makes it possible to travel farther, cross potential danger zones faster, and evenly cover uncharted ground in search of ammunition, loot chests, and weakened enemies. A player Notices that there are no other players gliding with them while starting a match in Fortnite Battle Royale. There are jet packs during use of the glider obviously, so gliding doesn’t generate much, if any, noise. This may benefit you in concealing yourself from the enemy or setting up an ambush attack while gliding.

    While implementing different strategies in Fortnite Battle Royale, players are able to alternate from building and fighting on the ground to using the glider to gain a tactical edge in their matches.

    How to Glide in Fortnite After Landing?

    In Fortnite, gliding after landing refers to the use of a launch pad or Clingers stickies or nades to send yourself back into the air and use the glider redeployment feature. To glide in Fortnite after landing, progress as follows:

    1. Landing from initial drop via parachute or falling control.
    2. Disguising yourself or performing searches for chests or items of interest.
    3. Triggering a launchpad or using partial fall damage via Clinger stickies/nades to get some more height and deploy your glider production tool.
    4. Utilizing glider redeployment for mobility from the high point to search other areas.

    The strategy of utilizing gliding after landing is entwined with how to complete the rest of the game objectives. You might have to land in a specific place as per the map’s item reports, use stairs to go up and down, finish quests, or win a fight if needed. Ultimately, victory in Fortnite Battle Royale converges on acquiring more weapons and healing supplies, therefore players need to find enough loot and save themselves from dying for as long enough to do that. The second that a player gets a gun, they’re not searching around to see who happened to be floating down more effective at this domain’s best tracker and Fortnite.

    Step 1: Find a High Point to Jump From

    Once you have landed, look for a suitable high point to jump off of. This could be a tall building, a structure like the radio tower in Fortnite, or even just the edge of a cliff. There are plenty of things you can jump off of in dozens of locations. You should see a height value in your elevation meter saying a jump area is high enough. It will be especially indicated if your character is wearing heavier or older gear.

    Step 2: Open Your Glider

    To open your glider in Fortnite after landing, either jump from a high elevation or press and hold the designated button. Players using a keyboard should hit Space and hold it. Players using a gamepad or controller should press down on the thumbstick or push the button dedicated to the jump function.

    NOTE: There was a way to force the glider to open lower than other players, but the directional dive input setting in Fortnite was removed. So gliders now automatically deploy higher up.

    Step 3: Control Your Glider

    As you are gliding in Fortnite after landing, remember that you can always pull your glider early if you need a longer time to assess the situation. When the glider is activated, you can control its direction by moving the WASD movement keys side to side. You can also deploy your glider by jumping from higher places e.g. balloons, higher terrains or towers.

    Step 4: Land Safely

    Land carefully by breaking any fall with a build, or choosing safe landing locations. As Ninjazx48 notes with respect to the Shockwave Grenade, you will probably be better served by using the in-game tools or naturally finding or constructing a hill to glide than by mid-air planning, which is nearly impossible without foreknowledge of what spawns will be available.

    The most common safe technique to land in Fortnite in an area where player spawn points have potentially fast access to a gun is building a border around yourself. Additional bricks or even wood should help you have more time to find a good gun to attack versus potentially better armed foes.

    What are the Benefits of Gliding After Landing?

    The benefits of gliding after landing in Fortnite are that it saves resources by reducing the amount of mats consumed, which helps a player preserve defoliation integrity, thus aids in quickly covering distances, and allows players to make quick escapes from dangerous situations. Normally, a player has to use mats to build after landing to reach safe zones. However, by using gliding aggressively after a flight, you can reach the area without spending mats.

    Finn of the StreamerNet TV channel explains how he uses the gliding function after pairing with a heavy sniper rifle., which adds more speed and ease of travel. This makes it easier to quickly cross the distance in the safe zone, giving you an advantage.

    During recent competitive matches, gliding has been used to make rapid escapes from dangerous situations and to transport teammates out of the way in a timely manner. For example, when members of the HHappy power Fortnite team had been downed by opponents within a short distance of the safe zone, they used gliding to remove downed players outside of the combat zone.

    Faster Movement Across the Map

    In Fornite, gliding allows players to move across the map more quickly after landing to loot and find storm circles with little worry of becoming unable to move due to being stuck in the middle of the storm. Gliding early when the glider is deployed higher results in a slower ballooning speed where players travel further horizontally. To increase travel speed, dip slightly and pull back at the top of the jump, then dip again and pull back on the next, and repeat this turning horizontal gliding strategy. This will slow down vertically for better horizontal place.

    Avoid Taking Fall Damage

    Taking fall damage is another factor that can negatively affect your Gliding strategy. Using a Glider too early while descending a mountain may result in you floating down to a lower elevation versus actually being able to walk down and continuing to loot, risking fall damage as you try to escape. Using a Glider too late and waiting for the last second to deploy provides less room for error in your decision to cancel a glide or not and may result in less control over where you land. If you Glider too late but think you might be about to take fall damage, try to move your Glider’s reticle up to exaggerate the upwards angle. Even if you cancel and your Glider disappears, your player will glide a short distance with very little momentum, and landing on a slope is less damaging than landing flat on the ground. During the game, if you sense that you have jumped too high off a structure and are going to take fall damage, try to contact the ground with another target player or their build as they are building to quickly stop your drop.

    Surprise Enemies with Aerial Attacks

    Surprise enemies with aerial attacks. Land on a hut or build up after landing and leap off of it when you spot an enemy for a surprise attack. Frequent hills and ramps allow for performing building-sliding-movement-shotgun leaping and attack from above. Glide into tall buildings from the top and drop down from above.

    Aggressive gliding often gets you noticed easily by sound and shadows, and can get you shot before you even attempt a surprising attack, but aggressive gliding as an engagement tactic can work in two situations. One, if good players spot you from the ground and are trying to take shots at you and mistime trigger presses and weapon change, they can give you openings. Two, if the fight is already close up where loud sounds do not matter. Take advantage of existing buildings to leap in and raised platforms to engage from because height advantages will multiply the impact of the fight for the side who can maintain it and morale too if the fight is already leaning in favor of one side.

    What are the Risks of Gliding After Landing?

    The risks of gliding in Fortnite after landing from a height include falling to one’s death on unstable structures or in liquid areas, losing progress and getting behind enemies, and drawing attention to oneself. One must take care of these risks after landing since they are the most likely moments to occur during gliding.

    By choosing the right spot to land and staying aware of one’s surroundings, the chances of a dangerous fall to one’s death are minimized. It is easier to avoid others and regroup and heal after bad landings due to flight’s greater freedom of movement. But it is also easier for multiple enemies to notice your parachute in the sky and focus their attention on taking you down.

    Vulnerability to Enemy Attacks

    Anupam has described that after jumping crouched and slid on aria near buildings and gas stations, you can continue to glide a bit in the air while turning to look behind you with the right stick. There are advantages and disadvantages of continued sliding in the glide, so you should consider those as per your situation. When you are not expecting an attack and should continue the launch phase, sliding and direcing your body above the player’s field of vision can allow you to check for any nearby enemies. To allow you to decide which movement is best in your current game, let’s discuss situations in which heading is better or worse.

    Limited Glider Durability

    Most limited-edition schematics also have a short survival state. Once decided on the limited one to use, consider untokenized gliders on top of schematics for use in this state.

    Inspect your glider to see if it dips your slope and rest on the slope until the enemy rechargers destroy the entire durability. Now, is displayed the glider during the glide with a holographic display and no longer plays the destruction animation?

    If the glider has no durability left (as per the border of its token images and lack of color in its badges, or when it visually turns sparkly or odd), then in sharky shell or other updraft places that prevent fall damage it can still provide some buoyant force just like a low-durability glider. And can be used to avoid damage by doing a light hop off of builds, but it will no longer replace fall damage.

    It is important to note that the limited Laser Chomp glider and the inflatable-passed Shark glider appear to be the only glider items in Fortnite that do not have a durability-based form of float when at 0 durability.

    How to Practice Gliding in Fortnite?

    Practicing gliding in Fortnite can be done more easily in Fortnite Creative than during an actual match. Browse gliding drills and maps using the Creative Browse feature in the Fortnite Creative lobby to look for courses that include shelter so you can practice against other players. Do more matches in Team Rumble mode to gain more confidence. TeadohGG is a devout British Fortnite player who provides various strategies from gliding in the map, aiming angles, editing, etc., in his videos.

    Use Creative Mode

    Fortnite has a dedicated creative mode where you can access Fortnite Glide Courses to develop your skills on them before trying in real matches. Creative mode is a less competitive way to spend time with friends. The ability to land and glide again quickly will have a significant effect on scoring in both casual and competitive settings. Here you can customize maps and game settings to prepare other practice exercises.

    Play in High-Intensity Areas

    To improve your gliding in Fortnite after landing, solve problems where you can’t outbuild the enemy by playing in high-intensity areas. The reasons you may benefit are as follows:

    Increased player opportunities: Playing in high-intensity areas only guarantees you will come across enemies more frequently, a practice opportunity you will not get if you hide far from enemies in the safe zone.

    Increased Ammo Availability: Since high-intensity areas have better loot, you can practice gliding in Fortnite after landing to your heart’s content. Thus, even in this aggressive training scenario, you will still be able to find significant amounts of extra ammo for gunshots in an emergency if needed.

    Increased Health, Shield, and Steel Availability: Due to higher scarcity, those in the safe zone are likely to have a harder time practicing due to less available health and shield. Practice in intense high-gliding high-intensity zones for a while, then return to the safe zone for maximum health rebuttals from in-game items, making those landed in safe zone player scenarios more challenging and rewarding.

    Watch Tutorials and Tips from Experienced Players

    1. Jarvis Khattri – Jarvis is best known for being popular on FaZe clan, at one point being their youngest signed player at only 18 years old. A clip from one of his stream twitch broadcast showing an amazing performance with nearly all of the techniques necessary for a good glide style. Jarvis demonstrates good strafing, quick turns to shoot nearby enemies, and makes a big jump that allows him to get from a high rafter to the ground with minimal fall damage at half speed.
    2. Mongraal – Mongraal is a young professional player (formerly of FaZe Clan) known for being one of the best builders and editors in the game. His advanced building and editing skills allow him to perform multiple tasks quickly and efficiently, such as editing his roofs mid-air and then immediately turning around to shoot. This clipped replay demonstrates the concept of minimization of fall height and damage better than any other clip. Notice how after losing his jump pad target, he turns as though he is revising his moving strategy and sees a new target on another rafter and moves (sprints mid-air) towards it as his fall damage dwindles.
    3. MasoodKratosCOD – Legendary player on PS4 who specializes in a mix of high-sensitivity and high FOV style of play. He has a video breaking the importance of matching your chosen sensitivity with your FOV, and how to do this with actual gameplay in combination with proper turning styles. Jump and kill opponents from above While watching Masood, his high-sensitivity, as well as quick turns to immediately eliminate enemies, are stand-out aspects of his gliding gameplay. Notice his ability to jump and twist to find and quickly dispatch of multiple opponents from above who are on different floors, while completely dodging the fire from the other opponents for the big jump from above.
    4. Frequently Asked Questions

      How to Glide in Fortnite After Landing?

      What is gliding in Fortnite?
      Gliding in Fortnite is a way to move around the map after you have landed from a jump or a launch pad.

      How to Glide in Fortnite After Landing?

      How do I initiate gliding after landing in Fortnite?
      To glide after landing in Fortnite, simply press the jump button while in the air to activate your glider.

      How to Glide in Fortnite After Landing?

      Can I use a glider every time I jump in Fortnite?
      No, you can only use a glider after you have jumped or used a launch pad. You cannot use a glider after every jump in Fortnite.

      How to Glide in Fortnite After Landing?

      How long does gliding last in Fortnite?
      Gliding in Fortnite lasts until you reach the ground, run out of stamina, or manually land by pressing the land button.

      How to Glide in Fortnite After Landing?

      Are there any ways to enhance gliding in Fortnite?
      Yes, you can use items such as a Launch Pad or a Rift-to-Go to increase your gliding distance and speed in Fortnite.

      How to Glide in Fortnite After Landing?

      Can I cancel my glider mid-air in Fortnite?
      Yes, you can cancel your glider by pressing the jump button again while in the air. This will allow you to free-fall and maneuver your character.

    Master the Art of Gliding in Fortnite After Landing with These Expert Tips - IVGHOF (2024)


    How to glide in Fortnite after landing? ›

    Glider Redeploy refers to the ability to enable the player's glider after falling a significant amount of height. This negates fall damage, and can be used to traverse long distances, at a faster speed than sprinting. This is achieved by pressing the jump button whilst in the air.

    How do you land faster with glider Fortnite? ›

    The umbrella or hang glider automatically opens 100 meters above the ground directly below you. Therefore, look for a deep point (for example, river valley or the sea) for the opening, and then head for a higher point.

    How do you land gliding? ›

    When landing the glider, the pilot needs to be able to control the glide path (the rate of descent relative to distance traveled) in order to bring the glider down in the right location. The pilot has to be able to reduce the amount of lift produced by the wings without changing the speed or attitude of the glider.

    How do people drop so fast in Fortnite? ›

    One common suggestion from the community is to aim for a location fairly close to your desired drop spot, but not directly above it. By targeting the lowest part of the terrain in that area, you can descend straight down for a quicker landing, taking advantage of glider deployment based on the underlying terrain.

    How do you glide faster? ›

    Sprint then crouch will do a slide. If on a slope, you will accelerate and slide really fast. But if you jump while sliding, you will jump at high speed. Hit the glide and you will maintain this fast slide speed while in the glide for really fast gliding.

    How do I get the best glide speed? ›

    So, here's a shortcut to reach your airplane's actual best-glide speed right away: Fly level. That's it. A flat pitch attitude will yield something close to best-glide speed in just about every piston single. Raising the nose two or three more degrees can fine-tune it.

    How do you get a perfect landing? ›

    10 Ways To Perfect Your Landings
    1. 1) Fly your pattern speeds. ...
    2. 2) Avoid major power changes. ...
    3. 3) Know where the wind is coming from. ...
    4. 4) Your aiming point shouldn't move in the windscreen. ...
    5. 5) If you're having a hard time with a crosswind, try less flaps. ...
    6. 6) Use your visual aids.

    How do people get so good at building in Fortnite? ›

    To become an expert in Fortnite build battles, you should avoid direct confrontation with the opponent and instead use box fighting techniques. You should aim to trap your enemy by outbuilding them to gain the high-ground advantage, then edit your structures before eliminating them.

    Why do I land so slow in Fortnite? ›

    To land faster in Fortnite, aim for the lowest ground possible when you dive from the Battle Bus. The game's mechanics make your glider deploy automatically when you reach a certain height above the ground, so heading for areas like valleys or riverbeds can get you to the ground quicker.

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