Green Bay Press-Gazette from Green Bay, Wisconsin (2024)

B-2 Monday, June 25, 1984 Green Bay Press-Gazette From B-1 Twr "'V. At i. if Nostalgia Mays to the turf with inside pitches Twice. Yeah, same game. Same difference.

"What would I change if I were commissioner?" Orlando Cepeda asked. "Nothing. Absolutely nothing. The game's great the way it is." Some players, however, have their gripes, like Enoe Slaughter, who has been denied induction into the Hall of Fame. He's an angry old-timer.

"Damn politics," he said. "You've got to kiss somebody's bleep to get in." Bottom of the first. Brooks Robinson hits a high fly ball to center. Everybody knows what's ccjming. Mays trots under the ball, and there it is that famed basket catch.

The stadium roars. They've all got their stories. Like Mays. He was talking about the Mets' new superstar, Darryl Strawberry. He's being called the new Willie Mays, appropriately.

"That's for you to decide, not me," said Willie. "In 22 years, you can ask me." Cubs fans, here's why the Cubbies haven't won a pennant since 1945, and why they probably won't win another until 2045: "It's playing day ball, playing in the sun a whole season," said their ex-shortstop, Kessinger. "I didn't believe that until I left Chicago and started feeling good in September. But that sun saps you. By September, you're more sapped than any other team in baseball.

I truly believe we'd have won some pennants if we'd have played under lights." So watch the Cubbies in September. Wilt season. ja it i Eyeball to eyeball: Catcher Darrell Porter of the St. Louis Cardinals argues a call with umpire Joe West (at left) during Sunday's game against the Chicago Cubs. Above, Kansas City Manager Dick Howser disputes a call with umpire Joe Brinkman in a game against California.

Rejuvenated Sutcliffe stifles Cards Baseball roundup is 4-5 this year. "I had fun in Cleveland but the season would start in March and end in June, when you were 20 games out. "I started well last year and was 11-3. But after the AU-Star break, we were 25 games out and it's hard to motivate yourself." Sutcliffe also wasn't healthy when this season began. "I had root canal work done a year ago but it wasn't done correctly," said Sutcliffe.

"They had to do it over again this spring and when they opened it up, it literally exploded. There was blood all over the place and I was in a dentist's chair for four days." Sutcliffe lost 17 pounds. "It was a trying time and took over a month," said Sutcliffe. "It was like spring training all over again. The club was 20 games out 0 Throneberry onj the Lite beer commercial that rejuvenated his celebrity status.

Marvelous Marv, looking totally bewildered, saying, "I still can't understand why they want me to be in this commercial." People might assume Throne-beirry never finished as high as third in the major leagues, but that would be wrong. Actually, Marv once was the highest-rated prospect in the Yankees organization and he was a member of the 1958 World Champions. But four years later, he went from prospect to legend, without even a pause. He was a living example of Murphy's Law. If anything could go wrong for Marv, it would.

He dropped throws at first base. He let grounders roll between his legs. He struck out with the bases loaded. Once he hit a triple but was called out for failing to touch first U.S. team get his four gold medals in the sprints, long jump and 4x100 relay.

world will be captivated by his quest for four golds. Rest assured, one hamstring injury to Carl Lewis would do more to sap the interest in Olympic track and field competition than any Soviet boycott ever could hope to. "'I can't say enough for what lie's done for my sport," said high jumper Dwight Stones, who set an American record Sunday with a 7-8 leap in the high jump. In the hurdles, it's Automatic Edwin. Put it this way: If Edwin Olympic third in Madison tournament base.

Later he admitted that he also had failed to touch second base. He sulked in the clubhouse when they sent in a cake for Casey Stengel's birthday. "Nobody gave me a cake for my birthday," he groused. "We were going to get you a cake," said Stengel, "but we were afraid you'd drop it." Throneberry still can smile when the stories are related to him, but he cannot add to them. "Things happened that were funny at the time," he admitted, "but more than 20 years can erase a lot of memories." Since 1975, Marvelous Marv has been in the employ of the Miller Brewing Company, making appearances on behalf of Lite beer.

And there are the old-timers games. "Do I know why they want me here?" Throneberry deadpanned. "Sure. To pinch hit and fool around." Which is everything he always wanted with the Mets. And less.

Moses is healthy and loses, it will be the biggest upset in the Olympics, in any sport. But what will make this U.S. team distinctive if it is to be distinctive is its overall quality and depth. Without the Soviet-bloc athletes, a medal rout will be expected. This team seems up to it, particularly the men.

The U.S. men's team owns the world's best performance this season in nine individual events. The women have none, though they would have the top mark in several events if you ignore times and distances by athletes from the Soviet bloc. Stones summed it up in his normal clear-cut fashion: "We are going to clean up kick a--." Dwelling in the shadows of his sport in recent times, Stones soared back into prominence as he capped a well-planned comeback when he cleared an American record 7-feet-8 in the high jump. During a busy finish to the eight-day trials at the site of the upcoming Olympic track and field competition, Carol Lewis won the women's long jump at 22-7 to join her brother, Carl, on the U.S.

squad; Doug Padilla took the men's 5,000 meters in and Leslie Deniz won the women's discus with a throw of 202-7. Doug Nordquist, a distant cousin of Stones and a Washington State graduate, came up with his best effort ever to finish second at 7-7, while Milt Goode got the third and final Olympic berth with a height of 7-5. Peaco*ck, who suffered a slight foot injury during an early jump, cleared just 7-3. Steve Lacy, a former UW runner, also earned an Olympic berth, finishing second in the men's 5,000. COME Asssoclated Press Not only is Rick Sutcliffe happy to be back in the National League, he's thrilled to be pitching in meaningful games now that summer has rolled in.

Sutcliffe was acquired from Cleveland by the Chicago Cubs on June 13 and the 1979 NL Rookie of the Year has won two straight starts for his new team. His latest victory came Sunday on a five-hit, 14-strikeout, 5-0 gem against the St. Louis Cardinals. Sutcliffe claimed the motivation of a pennant race even at this early date has helped him since joining the Cubs, who are a half-game behind firstplace New York in the NL East. "It was by far the most important game I've pitched in three years.

This game meant something," said Sutcliffe, who was 17-1 1 for the Indians last season and McEnroe, Lendl win tough openers WIMBLEDON, England (AP) Defending champion John McEnroe, the No. 1 seed, and second-seeded Ivan Lendl received stern opening-round challenges at the start of the 1984 All-England tennis championships today. McEnroe was pushed to the limit, by Paul McNamee of Australia before he prevailed, 6-4, 6-4, 6-7, 9-7, 6-1. Lendl, who won his first Grand Slam title two weeks ago by upsetting McEnroe in the finals of the French Open, defeated Dick Stockton 4-6, 6-0, 6-3, 5-7, 6-4. The only upset victim as the tournament began was W.ojtek Fibak, who was eliminated by Jacob Hlasek 7-5, 5-6, 6-2, 6-1.

Graham places 49th in gymnastics meet ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (PG) Mike Graham of Green Bay collected 101.0 points to place 49th in the all-around category of the National Junior Olympic Championships here over the weekend. Graham was competing in the Class 1, ages 16-18 division. Mary Schneider 316 Floral Dr. Stop in for a FREE Gift Certificate for Al's Hamburgers TO OUR 2IZ2X 7 ks MADISON (PG) Olympic Sportswear of Green Bay placed third in the 15-team Madison ASA Women's Fastpitch Round Robin Tournament, which concluded here Sunday.

Olympic posted a 4-2 record, winning its first four games and dropping its final two. In Sunday's games, Olympic edged Milwaukee Whiskey Corners 4-3 on Judy Cmeyla's run 261 lirablevi5ionz SllirlPi mi a' in war AP Laserphoto nati 3 in 13 innings; and Houston 8, San Francisco 3. In American League games, the Minnesota Twins scored three runs in the ninth inning to down the Chicago White Sox 3-2, Boston beat Toronto 5-3 in 10 innings, Kansas City nipped California 3-2, Oakland downed Texas 4-2, Cleveland blanked Seattle 5-0 and New York at Baltimore was rained out. 0NAN PORTABLE GENERATOR Quiet Compact 450-3500 9-J Watt Battery Charging Capabilities Ooon Distributed by M0RLEY MURPHY CO. 700 Morley Rd.

499-3171 mvstcrv hills Sale ends Sunday IZOD SHIRT SALE Men's, Women's, Junior's I. I 1 Ol-. OA junior 9 oitv o-cv a QA aqq $1 I U'- or 2 for 13 Mystery Hills Golf Course Dickinson Road Hwy. VDePera Phone 336-6077 SPORTS FANS! I BET YOU DIDN'T KNOW Brought to you by Duke Cuene Surprisingly, the fastest fastball pitchers in baseball don't throw as fast as the fastest fastball pitchers in Softball Nolan Ryan's fastball was once timed at 101 miles per hour, which is regarded as the record for major league baseball pitchers but several Softball pitchers, including Eddie Feigner and Ty Stofflet, have had their pitches timed at 104 miles per hour. Amazingly, there's been only ONE 9-inning game in the entire history of big league baseball in which a home run was hit in every inning 't hcppened in a game between the Phils and Pirates on July 10, 1929 You'd think it would have happened more often, but it hasn't.

What's the highest fly ball any baseball player ever caught? The world record is held by 2 former Cleveland Indian catchers, Frankie Pytlak and Henry Helf, who caught balls dropped from the 708-feet-high Terminal Tower in Cleveland in 1938 The balls were traveling about 1 40 miles per hour when Pytlak and Helf caught them! and I was throwing only 80 miles an hour. Somebody in the Cubs organization must have seen something." The 14 strikeouts were a career-high for Sutcliffe and gave the host Cubs a sweep of a three-game series. "I finished fifth in the (American) league last year and fourth the year before (in strikeouts)," Sutcliffe noted after he collected his first shutout since pitching a seven-hitter against the Yankees a year haven't seen a lot of these guys for a while. After I learn the hitters and start working on my own, that's when I'll get in trouble." Jody Davis blasted a two-run homer to support Sutcliffe. Elsewhere in the NL, it was Montreal 5, New York Philadelphia 4, Pittsburgh Los Angeles 5, Atlanta San Diego 8, Cincin- scoring single in the bottom of the seventh before losing 10-0 to Downers' Dolls of Downers Grove, 111., and 2-1 to Dietzen's Pub.

LIFETIME GUARANTEE Available for Tl the muffler, tail pipe, exhaust pipe and labor for as long as you own your American or foreign car. MOBIL SERVICE 494-1341 Lombardl Ridge YJtoosifromLan Great Western 10 9inlv 5 Trips for Two PLUS, 60 other great prizes! Enter The Eureka! Cinnamon Bay Sweepstakes 419 N. Broadway Ph. 432-1298 SUMMER HOURS: Wed. Fri.

9-9 Tues. Thurs. SATURDAY 9-2 11 EVIIGHOLlii Decker ''Sure this was a major upset," said Spivey. "Steve Scott has been favored since the 1983 World Championships at Helsinki." Sydney Maree, who had been banned from past Olympics because he was a South African, became an American citizen just last month and finished third in the 1,500 to earn the right to represent hi new country in the Games. University of Wisconsin junior Tim Hacker finished fifth in the 1,500.

me, this is a dream come true," Maree said after edging Chuck Aragon by .05 seconds for th final berth. Another ebullient performer wis high jumper Dwight Stones. Losers Hightower, the list of "hard-luck" losers in the one-shot Trials included Billy Olson (pole vault), Jane Frederick (heptathlon), Calvin Smith (men's sprints), Don Paige (men's 800), James Robinson (men's 800), Jimmy Howard (men's high jump), Mel Lattany (men's sprints), Ben Plucknett (men's discus), Bob Roggy (men's javelin), David Lee (men's 400 hurdles), Emmit King (men's sprints), John Brenner (men's shot put), Tyke Peaco*ck (men's high jump), Kate Schmidt (women's discus), Francie Larrieu-Smith (women's Michael Franks (men's 400) and Fred Dixon, Mark Anderson and Rob Muzzio (all men '8 decathlon). There has been some criticism of the procedure for picking the track and field team. Some observers have suggested that certain elite athletes for example, world record holders and world champions be exempt from the Trials and automatically selected to the team.

That system is followed in some countries, but so far The Athletics Congress, the national governing body for track and field and the organization that conducts the Trials, has frowned upon the idea. There are no exemptions. -There are no second-chances like in boxing, where the losers in the Trials still can make the team during the box-offs. The track and field Trials are a one-shot deal. The pressure is enormous.

Several athletes said during the competition that the tension was so thick it could be cut with a knife, but Gary Roberson, who failed to qualify for the men's 200-meter final, went even further. "You need a chainsaw," he said. SPECIALS FOR JULY 4th Two Person Timberline. $117.95 Four Person Timberline. $159.95 Great Western 10 $286.95 t.

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Green Bay Press-Gazette from Green Bay, Wisconsin (2024)
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Name: Margart Wisoky

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